In contrast, Marines in all other occupational fields are often referred to as POG's (or Personnel Other than Grunts) which is more often considered to be pejorative in nature. In the Marine Corps, rifleman (and other Marines in the 03 occupational field) are commonly referred to as "Grunts," which is generally not considered a pejorative term.

Its a four-digit code used by the United States Marine Corps and the United States Army to identify specific job specialties. The mission of the Marine Corps rifle squad is to locate, close with and destroy the enemy by fire and maneuver and/ or repel enemy assault by fire and close combat. MOS stands for military occupational specialty code. To help you focus on the most applicable credentials, the certification list has been filtered to only show COOL-funded certifications that are related to Most or Some of the skills and training gained in your MOS. Noncommissioned officers are assigned as fire team leaders, scout team leaders, rifle squad leaders, or rifle platoon guides. You chose Promotion-Seeking- this applies to Marines who plan to stay in the Corps and who are actively working on advancement. They are the foundation of the Marine infantry organization, and as such are the nucleus of the fire team in the rifle squad, the scout team in the LAR squad, scout-snipers in the infantry battalion, and reconnaissance or assault team in the reconnaissance units. Riflemen are the primary scouts, assault troops, and close combat forces available to the MAGTF. If water systems are not functioning properly, have an improper pH level, or are not clean, then Marines could become ill or suffer from dehydration. This isn't an entry-level position, and is open only to corporals and sergeants, who can move into the role laterally. It's often up to these Marines to interrogate suspects to gather crucial intel in a combat situation. He/she is also responsible for embarkation, supporting operations in the Marine Corps, training and unit level logistics. The duties of Marines in (MOS) 0211 involve sensitive work with enemy spies, saboteurs, and terrorists. The riflemen employ the M16A4 service rifle, the M4 carbine, the M203 grenade launcher, M249 squad automatic weapon (SAW), as well as the IAR "Infantry Automatic Rifle" the AT-4 and LAW rockets. What They Do: Affectionately called water dogs, this Marine MOS manages the upkeep and maintenance on various water systems, tanks, valves, and the pH level of water while deployed. The logistics/mobility chief (MOS 0491) plans, coordinates, supervises and conducts logistic operations.