Blood viscosity definition
Blood viscosity definition

blood viscosity definition

Due to this interaction red blood cells may stick together and it can create a chain like structure of red blood cells, hence it will increase viscosity of blood. The increase in the number of red blood cells produced increases the viscosity of the blood. It is a direct measure of the ability of blood to flow through. Due to Low flow rate of blood interactions between red blood cells, the plasma protein increases. Blood viscosity is a measurement of the thickness and stickiness of an individuals blood. Since viscosity of blood increases at low flow velocities (e.g., during circulatory shock), blood does not obey Newton’s law, or we can say blood is a non-Newtonian fluid. However, there is an exponential relationship between hematocrit and viscosity so that an. Mammalian blood with a normal hematocrit of 45 has a viscosity 2.4 times that of plasma alone. Plasma, devoid of cells and particulate matter, has a viscosity of 1.3 (pure water has a viscosity of 1). On the other hand, viscosity of blood is very high in comparison to water, and hence flow-pressure relationship slope will be less in comparison to slope of flow-pressure relationship of water. Apparent blood viscosity varies as hematocrit varies. It is clear from the graph of flow-pressure relationship of water, that the flow rate of water and viscosity are inversely proportional to each other therefore, when the viscosity is small, then slope of the flow-pressure relationship will have large value, it means, at a particular pressure, flow of water will increase at lower viscosity. This is shown in the figure as a linear dashed line for the flow-pressure relationship of water. For instance, homogeneous fluid like water, obeys Newton’s law hence, viscosity of water does not depend on the velocity of flow of fluid. Resistance between two adjacent layers of a liquid or fluid depends on the nature of fluid, which means, for homogeneous and heterogeneous composition there will be different resistances between layers of fluid. Viscosity of blood can be explained by Poiseuille's equation.

Blood viscosity definition